Store Hours: Mon - Fri: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM | Sat-Sun: Closed


Auto Repair Services in San Francisco Bay: Your Comprehensive Guide to Car Maintenance
Are you tired of unexpected car breakdowns disrupting your daily routine? Do you need help with the right maintenance schedule for your vehicle? Whether you're a new car owner or someone looking to brush up on their car care knowledge, this comprehensive guide to maintenance and auto repair services is here to equip you with the essential information you need to keep your vehicle running smoothly.
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Most of us have skipped a car service or two. And as harmless as that may seem, your mechanic can tell you how bad that can be for your car. Do not get us wrong! While skipping a car service is no sin by any means, it can lead to expensive car issues. So, before you are tempted to skip yet another car appointment, read on to know why it is important to stick to your schedules for auto repair in Gilroy.1. Car Servicing is Quintessential – Each car is unique and a complex piece of engin...
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6 Ways to Get Your Car in Shape for the Spring

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With winter finally tucking its tail and spring peeking around the corner, it is time to take a look at your car. While most modern cars are built to survive the abuse of the winter months, it is still important for you to have your car checked out and readied for spring. Listed below are a few expert tips you can try before you look up auto service repair shops near me.Clean Undercarriage of Your Car – Your car is likely to have been exposed to sand, salt, dirt, and grime. This can accumu...
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Is It Time to Replace Your Brake Pads?

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Your car’s brakes are one of its most important parts. Functional brakes keep you safe on the road. Your brake pedal has several parts. When you press it, all these parts spring into action. To maintain the functionality of your brake pedal, certain parts must be replaced. One of the parts you must pay special attention to is your brake pads. Brake pads are removable surfaces designed to help calipers establish contact with the rotors. With time, brake pads wear thin. Driving with damaged ...
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Protecting Your Car During the Rainy Season

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The rainy season can be a challenging time for drivers. Not only do heavy rains present driving challenges such as reduced visibility and slippery, wet roads, but it can also negatively impact your vehicle’s performance and appearance. From engine failure to faulty electrical systems, rain can affect your car in more ways than you could imagine. Here are some car care tips for the rainy season.Look for and Fix LeaksThe water inside your car is a recipe for disaster as it can damage critica...
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Tips to Maintaining Your Braking System by Bruce’s Tire
As the season changes during winter, the roads can become a driving hazard. To ensure your safety, you need a vehicle that has optimally functioning brakes. That is why vehicle owners should know a few things about the maintenance of their vehicle’s braking systems.Inspect the Brake PadsMake sure that the brake pads and rotors are of sufficient thickness to last you until your next vehicle service. In case you hear a squealing sound while braking, you should head to one of the qualified au...
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The Benefits of a Wheel Alignment

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The Benefits of a Wheel Alignment
While driving, if you find that your vehicle is veering to one side or the steering wheel is vibrating, it is time to find a service for wheel alignment near me. When you get the wheels aligned, you will not only enjoy a smoother and safer ride, but it will also enhance the life of your tires.Benefits of Wheel AlignmentWhen a car is manufactured, the wheels are properly aligned. However, as you use your car, the wheels fall out of alignment. The main reason for this is poorly maintained roads. I...
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Why Are Consistent Oil Changes Important?

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Why Are Consistent Oil Changes Important?
Your car, like every other machine, requires regular maintenance and repairs to perform the way it should. When it comes to getting the most out of your car, the importance of periodic oil changes cannot be emphasized enough. Your car engine oil lubricates different parts of the engine, helping them perform the tasks assigned to them.Engine oil helps maintain the temperature of the engine and reduce friction, slowing down the wear and tear process. With time, engine oil starts breaking down and ...
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Winter is a time to appreciate the artistry of Mother Nature as the weather cools down and rain starts pouring, meanwhile you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your favorite hot beverage. As mornings get chillier, you will have one more reason to immerse yourself in the warm comfort of your favorite blanket. Winter, however, can be a very challenging time for car owners. A dip in temperature can result in various car issues such as battery problems, thickening fluids, wiper failure, frozen fuel lin...
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Tips for Choosing the Right Auto Repair Shop Near Me

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If you own a car or are about to invest in one, the first thing that you should search for is a reliable auto repair shop! You need to find a service provider that can be trusted upon, and will not overcharge for its services.But how will you find the right auto repair shop? How will you differentiate between the honest service providers and the ones that try to take you for a ride? Here are some simple tips that can help you in reaching the right auto repair shops near me.Tips to Reach the Righ...
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Phone: (510) 651-4701
Address: 2420 Prune Ave
Fremont, CA 94539
Phone: (408) 335-6171
Address: 1315 N. 10th ST
San Jose, CA 95112
Phone: (408) 295-1742
Address: 1136 Old Bayshore Hwy
San Jose, CA 95112
Phone: (408) 842-0710
Address: 7700 Monterey St
Gilroy, CA 95020
Phone: (209) 826-1269
Address: 205 W. Pacheco Blvd
Los Banos, CA 93635
Phone: (925) 453-0006
Address: 6144 Industrial Way #A
Livermore, CA 94551
Phone: (510) 567-8473
Address: 240 Hengenberger Road
Oakland, CA 94621
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